V-LOVE/V-CLEAN Vaginal Suppositories (Boric Acid)
Boric Acid has finally been understood how it helps a feminine PH remain balanced. But with all products there is a quality and purity level. We have sourced the best and finest boric acid to create this natural internal cleanser.
It is not to be swallowed or used for oral consumption. Stay out of reach of children.
Ingredients: Boric Acid Powder (600mg), Vegetable Capsule, Vaginal Suppositories - 100% Pure Made in the USA, 24 pills
Instructions: Supports order control and promotes vaginal PH balance.
Insert one vaginally at night after being intimate, after your cycle, or when you need a refresh two to three times a week. You will feel fresh and clean. If you need freshness, you can use it every day for up to 12 days.
If you go this long, take a week off, and then continue again.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER - These statements have NOT been evaluated by the
FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Ask your doctor before using if you have any specific medical or vaginal known issues that you might want to check. Not to be used as a contraceptive or to prevent a sexually transmitted.